Who We Are
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources' mission is to conserve and enhance our natural resources in cooperation with individuals and organizations to improve the quality of life in Iowa and ensure a legacy for future generations.
LT Leon Associates is an engineering firm located in Des Moines. Sustainability is at the core of our values and influences our design approach. We work to balance the social, economic, and environmental impact while keeping the success of your project as our goal. We help define existing conditions, establish goals, and design and develop a strategic plan and technical documents that will provide a successful project. Learn more about LT Leon here!
Hardin County has a rich history in many aspects. The Iowa River Greenbelt has been an attraction for people since prehistoric times. It is the mission of the Hardin County Conservation Board to provide safe and healthful recreational opportunities, to protect and enhance county natural resources and to offer opportunities for our residents to participate in conservation education.
Steamboat Rock, Iowa, is a primary gateway to the Iowa River Greenbelt in northern Hardin County. It is a pleasant little village in the middle of the farm fields of Iowa, but also a gem in the green necklace of the Iowa River. There is much to do, see and enjoy in and around us. Today it is know as "The Valley Of Friendliness".